Entertainment facilities closed. Gyms closed. Shops closed. Work from home. Indoor eating. Outdoor eating. Curbside. Pickup. Delivery. Online ordering. To say this year has been a whirlwind is an understatement. But when we at INSPYR say we feel like part of the team, we truly feel every success and every setback that comes with each of our clients. And if you are a business owner who even has the time to stop and read this blog, please know that we are with you and we are so proud of the lengths that you have gone to in order to persevere this year.
But the fight isn’t over. We can’t pretend that things will magically go back to normal January 1st despite how much we wish it will. Don’t get discouraged. The proof is in the pudding. The numbers for social media engagement have increased exponentially, which is proof of how much the community is here for you and ready to rally.
User generated content was at an all time high. User generated content is any content posted by someone other than the business page. Some of our largest clients’ most successful posts were resharing a UGC post. One specifically had over 900 likes, reached over 9k and had 650 clicks.
Facebook clients saw an increase in reach, engagement, and impressions across the board. Social media became the main platform for communication for most businesses, making a social strategy crucial. With all of the constant adapting, people referred to social media for changes in businesses and communication.
Social media has always been an outlet for businesses to show more of their personality, but even more so this past year. One office saw a huge success with posts that focused on the individual employees, their families, and their home lives. Everyone was stuck at home together and the followers enjoyed getting a glimpse into the staff’s personal lives and the sense of comradery at the time. People were also desperate to know they were not alone.
Community support was and still is at an all time high. People were quick to rally every time they heard a cry for help from local business owners and their employees. Businesses posting for support were soon after posting their gratitude and in some cases, that they were sold out or booked up within hours or a day. A wonderful life, indeed!
We hope that providing these insights will be a testament to the community support that is very much present and give a brand new outlook for next year. Most importantly, we would like to thank all of our clients from the bottom of our hearts for putting your faith in our agency during these times of uncertainty. This has been an extremely unusual year and a bunch of “firsts” for all of us. But we have made it through and are all still here and thriving. We cannot wait to continue to work with you all in 2021. Our number one wish is for your success and we look forward to what the future brings.
All the best,