Your company may have a presence on several social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean it’s on the right social platforms. Some channels you’ve been using forever may no longer provide value. And some new-to-you channels may be great fits for your audience.
If your business isn’t connecting with the right people or if it needs to expand its reach, consider adding one of the top social media platforms to your strategy:
Facebook: 2.9 billion users, making it the largest social network
Instagram: 1.5 billion users, increasingly focused on short-form video content
LinkedIn: 830 million users, best for professional networking and B2B content
TikTok: 1 billion users, great for reaching Gen Z and millennials with video content
Twitter: 436 million users, best for creating engaged communities
Snapchat: 557 million users, ideal for reaching Gen Z and millennial customers
YouTube: 2.5 billion users, great for short- and long-form video content
(Source: Social Media Examiner)